Navigating Art Donation Tax Rules: Guidelines and Precautions

The IRS is intensifying efforts against inappropriate deductions linked to inflated art valuations for tax purposes, caution Meaghan Gregg, Justin Cohen, and Samantha Lauri from Hughes Hubbard & Reed.

Taxpayers should anticipate defending substantial deductions for art donations and confirm that the charity utilizes the artwork to advance its tax-exempt mission. Engaging a reputable appraiser with strong credentials is essential, alongside maintaining detailed records. Art donation deductions exceeding $5,000 mandate a qualified appraisal and Form 8283. Consider securing an IRS value statement for artworks valued at $50,000 or more to sidestep audits and penalties. The IRS art advisory panel's review of appraisals can result in value adjustments, with outcomes varying.

To read in more detail, click here for Bloomberg’s article.


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